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Medical Retests

Its a popular misconception that a medical retest is only for older drivers.  Every week, young drivers have to face medical retest because of medical conditions.

It is advisable to have couple of lessons with qualified instructor and bring your knowledge & driving skills to a higher standard.  It is suggested to do assessment in an instructor’s car – a vehicle in which you have practiced and feel confident in rather than a brand new VIC Roads vehicle which may steer & accelerate completely different to your car.

It is a popular misperception that VIC Roads staff are “out to get you”.  But nothing can be further from the truth.  They want to know if you can drive confidently and not be a hazard to yourself & other drivers.  If you fail 2 medical retests, you have option to sit a test with OT (Occupational Therapist).  The OT charges a fee but they spend time to get to know you and  your needs and accesses to a broader standard.  The OT then recommends to VIC Roads for your license to be reinstated maybe with conditions or if they consider you unsafe to drive, it will recommend to VIC Roads to cancel your license.  You do have right of appeal.

OT (Occupational Therapy)

The primary goal of Occupational Therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life.

Some OTs are registered with VIC Roads to conduct driver license testing.  They access the applicant’s knowledge of of road law, their strength and reaction capability and their ability to understand and react to road situations.

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